Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Caitlin!

Caitlin's family celebrated her birthday with us through cupcakes.  They were yummy!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jelly Bean Graphs

We reviewed graphs in math.  We used jelly beans to graph the numbers of each color we got.

Vera glued covered her graph with her jelly beans.

 Anai put hers to the side and then colored hers.

Riley's group synergized by working together to help those who needed it.

We answered questions about our graph to show that we knew how to interpret it as well as make it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

John's Grandma

John's Grandmother surprised us with a box of goodies!  We got markers, colored pencils, crayons, and stickers.  Thank you!

Secretary Appreciation Day

We made a banner thanking Ms. Lisa and Ms. Becki for all that they do for us! 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Relay For life

 Our Banner says Stayin' Alive with a cancer free future.Because of the Retro 70's theme some people in our class room even dressed up in 70's clothes.
Here's us out in the field.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

CRCT Pep Rally

We got excited for the CRCT through a Pep Rally.

The WHHS Jazz Band played music.

The cheerleaders and football players gave us good advice.

Perimeter in Math

 In math we were exploring perimeters using cheese-its